Ron Carr and Katherine O'Neill Heusner
Dr. Katherine O’Neill Heusner
Class of 1964
As a Riverview student, Kitty’s achievements were notable; however, they were just early indicators of the many stellar achievements that would follow.
As a lifelong learner, Kitty embraces her passion for using deliberate creativity for positive change. For example: She is the Founding Member of Florida Creativity Alliance, Inc., Co-Founder and Co-Chairperson of the Florida Creativity Weekend Conference. She has had a thirty-four year involvement with the Creative Problem Solving Institute…including serving on its Board of Trustees for ten years.
To that end, she believes that creativity is something we are all born with. However, she cautions that negativity and rigid thinking rob many of us of that birthright.
Over the years Dr. Heusner has coupled her enthusiasm for creativity with her desire to give back to her community through volunteerism. Just a partial list: Founding Director of PALS…a Sarasota County School Volunteer Program…now Team UP. A board member of Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida, A team leader for the international group…Global Volunteers, a board member of the Gulf Coast Chaper of United States Committee for United Nations Women, chair of the Learners to Leaders program for young women. Recently she is a mentor to a young woman from Pakistan and a volunteer reader for Embracing our Differences.
Finally, when asked to describe her personal tag line, Dr. Heusner said simply…I open doors in hearts and minds.