Riverview High School Distinguished Alumni Hall of Fame
Click on a CLASS or a NAME to view award ceremony photos and/or details
First Awards Ceremony 2017, Ron Carr
1960 Formet, Gary
1960 Shepard, Kay Kinney
1961 O'Neill Lauden, Dr. Molly
1963 Kutter, Joe
1963 Stoll, Jim
1964 Carr, Ron
1964 O’Neill Heusner, Katherine
1965 Stan Hibbs
1966 McDuffie, John M.,
1966 Larsen, Neil
1966 Davis, Jan
1967 Dumbaugh, John D.
1967 Morey Stanzione, Cheryl
1968 Rothman, Steve
1968 Ryley, Robert
1968 Robison, Louis
1970 Fox, Andrew
1970 Haney, Norm
1971 Wagman, Scott K.
1971 Wells, Randall
1972 Peterson, Guy
1972 Tom Shroder
1972 Cornell McKenzie
1974 Wheeler, Chris
1974 Longino, Jack
1976 Oldham, Vickie
1976 Gilmore, Renee James
1976 Richardson, Linda Louis
1977 Hanan Carruthers, Julie
1977 Quillen, Michael
1978 Attkisson, Sharyl
1978 Jebb, Joel
1980 Dennis, Scott
1980 Mary Tomlinson Mills
1980 Roden, Donna-Lee
1981 Hautamaki, Dr. R. Dean
1984 Abnar Shelley, Dr. Rachel
1984 Schoenbaum, Emily
1985 Olson Boehm, Maryann
1986 Profant Schweber, Michelle
1987 Aker, Dr. William “Rocky”
1987 Chaplin, Elyse K. Ph.D
1989 Mckinlay, Melissa
1990 Suarez, Jr. Javier
1991 Bencie, Luke
1998 Mazo, Adam
1999 Johnson, Jessica Furst
1999. Derose, Steven
Abnar Shelley, Dr. Rachel 1984 (inducted 3/17/18)
Aker, Dr. William “Rocky” 1987 (inducted 7/29/17)
Attkisson, Sharyl 1978 (inducted 4/21/18)
Bencie, Luke 1991 (inducted 9/13/24)
Carr, Ron 1964 (inducted 4/23/17)
Chaplin, Elyse K. Ph.D 1987 (inducted 7/29/17)
Davis, Jan 1966 (inducted 10/7/ 2022)
Dennis, Scott 1980 (inducted 11/16/17)
Derose, Steven 1999. (inducted 10/7/ 2022)
Dumbaugh, John D. 1967 (inducted 11/4/17)
Formet, Gary 1960 (inducted 3/17/18)
Fox, Andrew 1970 (inducted 3/17/18)
Gilmore, Renee James 1976 (to be inducted 2021)
Hanan Carruthers, Julie 1977 (inducted 7/22/17)
Haney, Norm 1970 (inducted 2/27/19)
Hautamaki, Dr. R. Dean 1981 (inducted 3/17/18)
Hibbs, Stan 1965 (to be inducted 2021)
Jebb, Joel 1978 (to be inducted 2021)
Johnson, Jessica Furst 1999 (inducted 10/7/2022)
Kovach, Frank 1976 (inducted 3/17/18)
Krohngold, Nancy 1969 (inducted 3/17/18)
Kutter, Joe 1963 (inducted 1/16/19)
Larsen, Neil 1966 (inducted 11/14/19)
Laudano, Frank 1978 (inducted 6/5/17)
Longino, Jack 1974 (inducted 8/26/19)
Mazo, Adam 1998 (inducted 10/7/2022)
McDuffie, John M. 1966 (inducted3/22/17)
McKenzie, Cornell 1972 (inducted 9/13/24)
McKinlay, Melissa 1989 (inducted 1/24/2022)
Mills, Mary Tomlinson 1980 (inducted 10/7/2022)
Morey Stanzione, Cheryl 1967 (inducted 11/4/17)
Oldham, Vickie 1976 (inducted 4/6/17)
Olson Boehm,Maryann 1985 (inducted 3/17/18)
O’Neill Heusner, Katherine 1964 (inducted12/5/17)
O'Neill Lauden, Dr. Molly (inducted 9/2023)
Quillen, Michael 1977 (inducted 7/22/17)
Peterson, Guy 1972 (inducted 1/10/19)
Profant Schweber, Michelle 1986 (inducted 3/17/18)
Richardson, Linda Louis 1976 (inducted 10/7/2022)
Robison, Louis 1968 (inducted 10/7/2022)
Roden, Donna-Lee 1980 (inducted 9/13/24)
Rothman, Steve 1968 (inducted 11/4/18)
Ryley, Robert 1968 (inducted 11/4/17)
Schoenbaum, Emily 1984 (inducted 3/17/18)
Shepard, Kay Kinney 1960 (inducted 9/13/24)
Shroder, Tom 1972 (inducted 2/20/2020)
Sims, Benham III 1979 (inducted 3/17/18)
Sprinz, Gary 1969 (inducted 3/17/18)
Stoll, Jim 1963 (inducted 10/7/2022)
Suarez Jr., Javier (inducted 9/13/24)
Waddell, Greg 1979 (inducted August 2017)
Wagman, Scott K. 1971 (inducted 3/17/18
Wells, Randall 1971 (inducted 9/18/2019
Wheeler, Chris 1974 (inducted 1/10/19)